posting not phone-made video on Instagram
Generally sound simple. Shot on the phone, start up Instagram, choose video, publish. However if you have video shot on the real camera, post processed on the computer it's not
think big: the ROOTS album
[simplegallery bullets=”off” autoplay=”off” arrows=”on”] Album, którego przygotowanie i planowanie paradoksalnie zajęło prawie dwa lata. Alb
September night in Rome
On the streets of Rome with Leica M9, September 2012.
Bodaf Europe Malaga 2013 Experience
I needed a few days to reset before writting this. To reach home, kiss our boy, talk to our cat. It’s good to be at home, but it’s pity that it’s already after Bo
his personal best
[quote]You can find pictures anywhere. Elliott Erwitt[/quote] Elliott is amazing, because his images are amazing. That’s it. During Elliott Erwitt’s exhibition “P