Man is a gaming animal
[quote]Man is a gaming animal. Charles Lamb, Essays of Elia, 1823[/quote] It’s sad how cheap they became these days on Ebay. Another homeless M6 has reached its place…
Open day Leica M Monochrome
Zapraszam razem z Leica Store Warszawa na dzień otwarty Leica M Monochrome w niedzielę, 9 września 2012 na godz. 17tą. Miałem przyjemność pofotografować Leica M Monochrome
semifinals Forza Italia with Fuji X Pro 1
five in the row just before Italy vs Germany match on Eurocup 2012 in Warsaw. Focus is snappy, details in the shadows near to 0,7EV to bring up until noise (so not bad comparing to
Snapping with Fuji X Pro 1 and 18mm Fujinion
One of the three debut lenses for Fuji X1 Pro is Fujinion 18mm which gives us about 27mm perspective so farly near holy wide angle 28mm.
welcome Fuji X1 Pro
I’m just after testing Fuji X1 Pro on wedding. unfortunately most of pictures taken are good. it’s a bit crazy, but this compact camera got me more accuracy then Nikon
Sueño con cosas que nunca eran y preguntan por qué no
[quote]Unos miran las cosas que son, y preguntan por qué. Sueño con cosas que nunca eran y preguntan por qué no. Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things tha
Monday's night image
Monday’s night image. 2am, Warsaw, Mordor. 300mm/9s/f4.5. play with development time.
A photograph is a secret about a secret
A photograph is a secret about a secret.