ASPE 2011 Workshop in Spain
It was just a few days ago, a crazy rural workshop Aspe 2011 in Spain. 40 photographers from Spain, amazing, open minded, eager to hear and try something new. It was a pleasure to share with you experience of both – past work, thoughts and my actual ideas in Aspe. Thanks for nice words after both part of my talk, specially after the talk about my Leica experience. I hope it open your minds for something different and… It was a big challenge to be first wedding photojournalist from Poland speaking on Spanish land about own work, experience, thoughts. The words have been spoken. Take for you whatever you want, need. Be risky. Make it challenge for you. The change is now.
Thanks to for providing gifts for workshopers and straps for tests. This is endless experience, support, digging into details, giving in result true evolution and in the end the product that saved my back thru two last seasons of weddings and pj’s work.
Chapeau bas to Maria and Roberto for bringing whole thing into real experience, the whole kitchen team keeping us alive with local taste and but also or most of all – to my five new friends – in passion to photography: Citlalli Rico (+Jimmy), Roberto Ramos (+Maria), Fran Cabades (+Susana) and Samo ‘big picture’ Rovan. We started something new and different as workshop experience. Keep it alive.
Special thanks for Luis Masyebra, my Metatron, a bridge between my speak and Spanish minds. Great translation job man, and there is something like ‘have we met before?’ in my mind. In touch bro! definitely in touch my friend.
The end for this ‘thanks’ list goes for Leica Polska for supporting my work, providing me lenses, cameras whenever I need to test, try or wonder. It’s great to have you, I really appreciate it.
A whole week in Spain from Barcelona to Alicante/Aspe then to Barcelona. Sun, clouds, rain, rainbow. Life surprices me every day. Makes a day challenge and new experience. Thanks for patience and support to my lovely wife Agnieszka and great friend Robert Korybut-Daszkiewicz. This trip couldn’t be possible without you both, folks.
I will show up some more, but for today just one – vestido, naranjas y puesta del sol. Leica M9 por supuesto 🙂
Marcin, polski-man, such an honor to be your Metatron!! And yes, we need to investigate that 'dejá vu' feeling... Next time, we'll bring you to Madrid and show you around. Have a wonderful way, bro!
Agustin Samper
Thank you so much for your words, your closeness and your patient during the practices!. I really enjoyed the ASPE crazyruralworkshop with you and the rest of the crew. I don't think I will change from Canon to Leica, but nevertheless it was a very, very interesting and open-minded speech. I hope will see you again in other crazy event. A big hug from Spain!
José Manuel Ortega
Gracias port todo el legado que nos has dejado, tus enseñanzas perdurarán resonando en nuestras mentes. Thank you for the whole legacy that you have left us, your educations will last resounding in our minds.